Dissecting Aerial 2022

Dissecting Aerial 2022

We’ve gone and changed the dates again – darn that Covid!  Dissecting Aerial 2021 has been moved to Jan 15th & 16th 2022.

Our aim is to live stream the symposium this year, with some live speakers, events and audience here in Brighton, connecting to International hubs of watching and presentations. This means that not only can you connect and join us from anywhere in the world but there’s also the potential to join us with a group of friends in your local studio in line with your local C19 guidance  – exciting eh.

We’re still figuring out the nuts and bolts of it all but there will also be recordings available of the sessions you missed in recognition of the varying time zones, with a hope for some live Q&A sessions – phew.

Full line up of speakers, timetable and prices coming shortly. Meanwhile here’s what we got up to on the last one https://gravity-levity.net/events/dissecting-aerial-2020-a-2-day-healthier-aerial-symposium/