EADF 2022 Date Announcement

EADF 2022 Date Announcement

EADF 2022 will run from 14-19 August 2022 inclusive. Bring it on!

Sadly and yet inevitably, given the year 2020 was, we had to postpone the festival that year. Then, given the continued uncertainty around gathering in numbers, coupled with our partners South East Dance and Brighton Dome/Festival having to stop building work on their new venue spaces, it simply wasn’t viable to run the festival in 2021 either. Sad face…

The upside of all this, (yes there is one), is that we’ve had a whole other year to plan for a smorgasboard of treats and unmissable events, to find a new home for the festival at the wonderful Worthing Pavillion Theatre, as well as writing plenty of funding applications. So now we’re crossing fingers, toes and anything else we can think of, that we’ll be able to run the EADF in an exciting new venue this year.

We’ll let you know as soon as it’s confirmed but meanwhile get those dates in your diaries and take a nostalgic look back at EADF 2019 – just look at all those folks in close proximity, laughing, hugging and having fun ahhhh, that’ll be us soon…